Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy


Shopplek has a responsibility to protect and safeguard the personal data you entrusted to us.

We take every precaution to protect the privacy, accuracy, and security of any personal information concerning our users.

This policy explains the categories of data we obtain from website visitors, why we gather it, and how we use it.

Shopplek has the right to give third parties access to the personal information it has gathered from users if needed, in order to improve service quality, as allowed by law, or for commercial purposes.

This Privacy policy is not a substitute for another previously provided consent from the user end regarding their personal information, This is an additional consent that allows Shopplek to collect, use or disclose your personal data by law.

Please take the time to thoroughly read this policy so that you are aware of the categories of personal information we collect and the purpose for the collection, use, and disclosure of that information.

Find below several definitions of terms used in this policy:

Customer Information:

Customer Information is any information that can be used to contact or identify a consumer, customer, or previous customer of this Institution.


Internet Protocol (IP) Address:

An IP address is a specific address that is used to connect your computer to the network


Accessing your information

Individuals have the right to access and receive a copy of their personal data, and other supplementary information. This is commonly referred to as a subject access request (SAR).

If you would like to make a request for a copy of the data held about you, you can submit a subject access request via social media or via email. 


What are cookies and why do we use them?

A cookie is a small numeric file with a little text that we place on your computer only if you accept it.

These cookies help us offer you a better browsing experience by enabling us to separate you from other users of our website and mobile applications.

We utilize the cookies to accomplish the following:

    • Counting the number of visitors and observing their movement on the website while they are using it helps improve how our website works and what to provide to the users based on their preferences.
    • Check your preferences and subscriptions, such as your language choices, saved items, basket contents, and memberships if you have any.
    • It helps us provide you with personalized content and provide other customized features and services.
    • Prevent fraudulent activities.
    • Delivering ads related to your preferences and interests, such as newsletters and events from Shopplek and third parties.



 Cookies may also be placed by our authorized third parties when you use our marketplace. Third parties such as search engines, corporations that offer measurement and analytics services, social media networks, and advertising firms are examples of third parties.


Our website gives you the ability to control your browser cookies where you get the chance to accept certain cookies and reject the rest based on your preferences. You can also have your browser notify you if there are new cookies received or old ones that have expired.


If you disabled all cookies in your browser settings, you would not receive any cookies from our end or from our third parties, but you might face some difficulties in your shopping experience. For example, some features and services might not work, and you might have to manually change some choices and preferences every time you visit our website.



The data we collect


    • We collect your personal data in order to give you a unique shopping experience, tailored based on your preferences and interests. This also helps us improve our products and services.

We collect, store, and transfer the following types of personal data:

    • Information you provide when registering: We collect and retain the data you give us, including your name, contact information, shipping address, and financial information.
    • Information regarding website usage: We automatically collect, and store information related to your use of our marketplace, starting from your searches, views, downloads, and purchases.
    • Information from third parties and publicly available sources: Third parties, such as our carriers, payment service providers, merchants/brands, and advertising service providers, may provide us with data about you.

How we use your personal data


  • We process your personal data and use it to manage, provide, develop and enhance the products and services we offer. We use it in the following: 
    • Registering as a new client
    • Processing, prepping, and delivering your orders
    • Improving your user relationship with us
    • allows you to take part in campaigns, contests, and surveys.
    • enhance our website, services, and goods.
    • promoting or recommending goods or services that might be of interest to you.
    • complying with our legal requirements, which may include occasionally confirming your identification.
    • Detecting Fraud



How we share your personal data


    • The exchange of goods and services: In order to deliver the goods and services you have purchased through the sale of goods and services offered by third parties on our marketplace, we must disclose your personal information to such third parties.
    • Working with service providers: We rely on some third parties to carry out specific tasks for us. such as delivering items, analyzing data, helping with marketing, processing payments, sending material, determining, and managing credit risk, and completing orders for goods or services.
    • Business transfers: As we expand our company, we may sell or acquire additional companies or services. Customer information may be transferred together with other corporate assets in such deals.
    • Detection of fraud and abuse: For the purposes of preventing fraud, reducing credit risk, and adhering to the law, we provide account information and other personal data to other businesses and organizations.


Your personal information may be accessed by third parties under the following conditions:

    • We allow them to process your personal data for certain reasons, in line with our instructions. Require them to agree to use your data in accordance with the law, our Privacy Policy, and Cookie Notice.
    • Third parties are not allowed to use your personal data for their own purposes.

Security of your personal data


  • We are very keen on your personal data and how we handle it. That’s why we work with extra caution in processing it by utilizing software and encryption techniques.
    • When it comes to gathering, storing, and dissemination of personal customer information, we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural measures. Regarding our security measures, we occasionally need to see identification documentation before we can give you access to personal data.
    • The security mechanisms on our website guard your personal information against unauthorized access and data loss. These aspects are controllable and can be set up to suit your needs.
    • If a suspected personal data breach occurs, we have put in place mechanisms to handle it, and as required by law, we will notify you and any relevant authorities.


    • It's critical that you secure your password as well as your computer and programs from unauthorized access. Make sure to sign off from your accounts when you are done working on a shared computer.


Your Legal Rights


  • It is very important that the personal data that we hold is accurate and updated, so please make sure to update your data whenever there are any changes during your relationship with us.

As for your legal rights, you have several rights under data protection legislation that include: the right to access, the right to withdraw consent, the right to rectification, and the right to object, in addition to unsubscribing from our mailings and newsletters.



Contact Us

  • If you have further inquiries or concerns about this privacy policy, please use the following email address to get in touch with us.

We hope that we will be able to answer your questions and inquiries.